— année 2019
P. Chabal, J. Nicharapova, K. Baizakova (dir) Cross-border exchanges and Eurasian dynamics : https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/68592?format=EPDF
P. Chabal (en nome propre) La coopération de Shanghai : conceptualiser la nouvelle Asie
: http://www.presses.uliege.be/jcms/c_21617/la-cooperation-de-shanghai
— année 2020
P. Chabal, Zh. Sairambaeya, T.U. Chung (dir.) The challenge of change for Eurasian systems
: https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/72818
P. Chabal, Yann Alix, K. Baizakova (dir.) Evolving regional values and indentities : https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/73516